Indu-Ko Oil & Gas
Every year, contracts of several million dollars are awarded to local companies in the Middle East and North Africa in Oil & Gas Business.
Foreign companies only have a chance to get into business with Oil & Gas Companies (ARAMCO, ADNOC, KOC, QO, PDO, EGAS, etc..) if they work with a local Partner or establish their own company/branch including a local sponsor as a business partner.
InduKo Oil & Gas division is the trade, sales and marketing department of the company in which we act as trader or we represent as local partner international manufacturers in the field of oil & gas and electrical & industry.
Our advantage is that we have been on the market since 1971 and we gain respectful experience in this field not only as a distributor or agent of some well renamed manufacturer in Europe but we also support the EPC Contractors in carrying out some projects in some special markets and as best we can support our partner project wise.
We were and are still involved in export consulting and distribution in all major oil & gas projects in the Middle East & North Africa, do not hesitate to request our references.